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English Ivy - how moist is "moist"?

when I look up care of English Ivy (hedera Helix) it says keep evenly moist.
but I am new to house plants and don't know what that means.
The data also says 'do not overwater'.
well, what is over watering? Too much water obviously, and I know 'more house plants are killed by over-water' and this probably why I have yet to succeed with houseplants.

but I wish the people who write these things would realize that to someone who is new to this, 'do not over water' is meaningless.
so is 'evenly moist'.
(for other plants, if something says, 'when it is dry to the first knuckle, then water', that at least I know what it means.)

all I know is: after a few days my ivy begins to look limp, and so I water it, and it looks better.
Am I letting it get too dry between?
It is in a clay pot, and after I potted it, I read that before using a new pot, one should soak them in water.
Is this important enough that I should re-pot? (I bought it about 2 weeks ago.)

It is near heat vent, bec. that is the only window.
The temp. is about 70 day and night.
I know it likes 'filtered light'.
I'm beginning to think it has too much light where I put it. The window faces north east, only about 1 hour of direct light, then bright but indirect light.

too much light?
too much water?

thanks for any advice.

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