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Using gnatrol and FP at the same time with gritty mix

10 years ago

I stupidly bought a plant from Home Depot and didn't isolate it, and quickly developed a ridiculous amount of fungus gnats across the house. For the most part, I've switched many/most indoor plants over to gritty mix, but there are a few large plants that I want to wait until Spring to report (if for no other reason than the mess!), plus some ferns and other water lovers in 5-1-1.

The gnatrol (granulated) suggests drenching once a week, three weeks in a row. OK, so far.

1) Problem is, many of the gritty mix plants need to be watered more than once a week. I'm afraid if I water gritty mix plants without the gnatrol, that I am sabotaging the system by providing wet media all over again. They seem pretty serious about waiting between treatments on the WDG website, FAQ,etc, to break the breeding cycle.

2) I have not added FP liquid feritilizer when I do the gnatrol drench. Just seemed wrong. Therefore, the gritty plants are looking at going almost a month without fertilizer (or sufficient water) and in week 2, some are looking worse for wear already.

Can I do both at once?

If I water gritty mix plants with FP in between the gnatrol treatments, am I wasting my effort treating?

If I soak each plant with water and FP, then immediately apply the gnatrol, does that wash out the fertilizer I just added?

I know I'm not supposed to have this issue with gritty mix. Let's blame the non-gritty specimens for now :) However, the most favored plant of the gnats is my sago palm (in gritty mix), but perhaps stupidly, I had re-planted it in a yellow pot. They really like yellow it appears.

FYI, I am monitoring/controlling the adult gnat population with stickyfoot painted on yellow plastic squares stuck in the various plants on toothpick stakes. This is how I know how much the gnats love the Sago in particular.


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