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am I wasting time saving pepper seeds for chickens?

This may be off topic but to those who have chickies.I have been saving for weeks most all of my still picking green pepper seeds for chickens. This is for a neighbor who lives by our Lakefront other home. I live in the city here.

So am I wasting all my tedious time saving them??? Hubby suggest I freeze all the insides etc whole w?o taking time to save each indivual seeds to a paper towel to dry. No Hubby takes them down once or twice a month. He has not asked the neighbor if the chickens are eating the green pepper seeds.

I have saved some for my self, in case I plant seeds, instead of rebuying the plants. But M had the plants cheap last year in 4 pack or 6 pack cells. Most turned out great and are not producing still but some of them are still turning orange or red or yellow for the other varities I planted

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