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Garden Layout and Placement

I'm having a hard time to decide how to lay out my new garden area, just deer fenced.

It is a 95'x35', 4 long rows from East to West. The path is about 3' wide. Right now, I divide it into two area, a 60'x35' and a 35'x35' area. Gate runs through the divider path.

Right now, my plan is:

7 grape vines, total about 60'
8 blackberry, total about 60'
Tomato cages, total 24-28, about 45' double row
Raspberry, about 40'
Pole bean and cucumber trellis, undecided
Sunflower and corns, about 30' row total
Brussel sprout and Okra, about 12 plants each
Hot/sweet peppers, about 24 plants total
Edamame, sweet potato, bush bean, peas, and some greens.

The principle is to place the tallest plants in the back. But grapes need all the fun they can get. So it is not good to put them in the last row (North), or the 2nd from last. I tentatively put the grape trellis in the front, in the 60' area, then blackberry behind grape vines, tomato the 3rd row and the Sunflower/corn in the last row.

In the 35'x35' area, I'll put the raspberry trellis last row. Then the pole bean/cukes trellis between raspberry and sunflower/corn. Then all the peppers, bush beans, peas, etc occupy the first 3 rows of the small area.

I try to find room for the asparagus I like to grow. But I just can't find good spot for them. I do not want to plant them outside the deer fence since the wild animals like the tender shoots. I do not know if I should place them in front of or behind the raspberry.

Any other ideas? My garlic, onion and herbs are planted outside the fenced area. I could fence them in, but it is going to be a nightmare to water all the beds. The rows are getting too long.

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