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HELP!!! money tree is super sick!

9 years ago


I've been searching this forum and haven't seen anything quite like my money tree's problems. I've had my money tree over a year now it was doing super well in my office environment with direct fluorescent lighting overhead. Then I moved and it is now in an apartment with lighting from a CFL with occasional sunlight. I water it about once a week. About a month ago, I started noticing some of the leaves getting weird spots that had a whitish center and brown around them on a few leaves. These few leaves became more so I touched them and noticed some sticky residue. Did a google search and thought they might be pests so I sprayed a mixture of water/rubbing alcohol/soap (in equal proportions) as directed on some posts this past Monday. By Wed, I notices some of the leaves had some brown spots (maybe overwatering). By Sat, the leaves have these dark green spots. Leaves have started falling and nearly all leaves are infected with some sort of spot. Surprisingly, some new leaves are popping out. Any ideas what the problems could be?? Please help, thanks!!

1st symptom


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