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major bummer, tree down!!!

9 years ago

Last night we had a horrid squall line blow through with wind gusts up to 90 mph, all but one of the apple and peach trees stood tall and firm in the ground in the morning except one.

The tree that blew over was fastened to a t-post with a Tmo-pro tree support which broke causing the tree to blow down flat. The tree's root system on the windward side is totally gone.

About 7 years ago I ordered about 10 G11 rootsocks and budded them with with a very old tree in town that had a fruit my wife loved. My wife asked me if I could somehow grow one of those trees so I went to work with the grafting asap having not done any grafting in 30 years. Of the 10, many took and I planted 2 of them and gave the others away.

The trees have near immunity to CAR and scab which is sure handy.

Location is everything, the other tree I planted wasplaced near the shelter of all of the mature native trees along a creek bank and the wind was no doubt lessened by the trees there as my apple at that site has never been staked and still stands straight and tall.

Having gone through the process of grafting the tree and growing it out to where it was ready to bear probably 6 or more fruit this year and doing it for my wife, it hurts to see the flattened by the wind.

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