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Why plant asparagus crowns 6 inches deep?

13 years ago

Every single source of asparagus crown planting information says to plant them 6 inches deep and then cover them with a thin layer of soil as they make their way to the surface. I keep asking myself... why? What's the point?

I grew some asparagus from seed this year and they have all set their crowns at 1 inch deep, not 6 inches. I dug some up to inspect their progress. If they naturally set their crowns at 1 inch, why should I push them down to 6 inches?

Possibly this is to allow mechanical harvest and removal of dead plants at the end of the season?

Possibly this make the plants sturdier and more resistant to leaning over?

Or maybe as asparagus plants grow, the crowns naturally migrate to deeper levels. If so, I should still plant them 1 inch deep since that is the depth that they seem to naturally prefer after one season's growth.

So, I feel like I should plant my Purple Passion Asparagus crowns next year just one inch deep, unless I get some compelling reasons to do otherwise. Bring 'em on!

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