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Chasing blueberry pH in circles, I'm dizzy

I still really like the Accurate 8 pH meter. But now it's telling me that my two 7 yr old bb have a pH of 2.5 to 3!! This after a winter of no rain and using well water acidified to pH mostly about 5 using sulfuric acid. In the past using rain water and ammonium sulfate the pH has been around 4-4.5 as best I could tell using cheap meters. The plants still look great and have never looked chlorotic.

Since the other potted bb have pH of 4.4 to 6 I think the meter is telling the truth.

So what's the correct pH to acidify well water to using sulfuric acid? I know, don't. And maybe that's right but I don't want to start over learning about vinegar or something else.

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