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Houseplant Identification and Care Help

17 years ago







I purchased this small houseplant I think around 2 years ago from a Bunches kiosk in my local mall. It did just fine for a long time. I re-potted it once from the plastic pot it came in to a clay pot. I watered it occasionally and kept it indoors next to a north-west facing window most of the time. There was a fairly long period where I kind of forgot to water it, and the leaves dried up a lot.

On the advice of my dad I removed the dried leaves, mostly around the bottom, and gave it a lot of water. Ever since then it hasn't really improved much. The leaves are always brown and dried at the tips and it's yellowed a little bit. I have no idea what kind of plant this is, or what I should be doing to help it recover. I'm a complete beginner when it comes to plants and really have no idea. I've been watering it fairly often, but it doesn't seem to be helping.

I have several pictures of the plant linked at the top of this message. It used to be a lot fuller around the bottom with straight, fairly fleshy, vibrant-green leaves.

If anyone has any information about what kind of plant this is, if I should remove the dried ends or if there is something else I should be doing, I would really appreciate it! Also, if there is some other source you could reffer me to that might give me some good information I would be very grateful. I've grown a little bit attatched to this plant and really don't want to see it die.


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