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Need help! Identification and care

8 years ago

Hi! So this is my first post. I apologize ahead of time if it is too long :) I have recently acquired three cacti. It's funny, because I have admired these cacti from a neighbour for about 5 years, and last week they were listed on kijiji. So I scooped them up! This wonderful older gentleman has had each of them for 25 years, and it was getting too hard for him to bring them out doors in the spring and back inside in the fall. I live just outside of Toronto, Ontario. I'm trying to identify them so that I can care for them properly. They are so large and so beautiful. I am terrified of not taking care of them properly. Any advice, identification, tips and tricks would be so greatly appreciated. (I've included a close up of one of them for detail)

Thank you so much!

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