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Corn Plant Dying...Drooping_Losing Color

15 years ago

My friend bought a beautiful corn plant in a ceramic pot in Feb of this year that I take care of - I used to water it weekly but the smallest stalk turned black and died so I started to water it every couple weeks but now the mid-length stalks are drooping, losing their lush green color and turning brown at the tips. The taller stalks still look beautiful which is really confusing.

There were a total of 5 stalks, 2 tall ones, 2 medium ones and the small one that died. I don't know what to do! I don't know if I'm watering it too little, still watering it too much.

The dirt is dry, but not overly dry and I'm assuming if it was overly dry the leaves, and actually one of the stalks, wouldn't be drooping they would be stiff and dry from lack of water.

Anyone have any idea what I should do.

Incidently, the day my friend bought the plant the delivery person dropped it and broke the original ceramic pot it came in...I don't know if that would have caused any kinds of problem but I thought I'd mention it. Also, the plant is in an office, not close to the window but it definitely gets sunlight, and there are fluorescent lights overhead.

Thank you for any information you can provide.

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