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Fire Blight gone mad....

vgkg Z-7 Va
16 years ago

Hi Folks, long time no post---

Just wondering if any of you are having a Bad out break of fire blight this season (Jellyman?). I'm late on posting this question but ever since my 3 Asian pears were hit by a late freeze during peak blooming (early April) the fire blight has gone bezerk here. It all started at the point of the dead and wilted blooms and spread rapidly from there. I should have acted more quickly to remove the dead blooms but that chore got lost in the spring planting mania.

Anyways, some of my regular pears also were hit but not as serverly as the Asians. My neighbor's apples have also been clobbered by fireblight. I had to remove almost 50% of my Asians to get them under control and still there are a few out breaks to prune out. Hopefully all 3 Asians will recover but only time will tell....these Asians are 4 years old and this was their first outbreak of FB....nasty stuff this Fire Blight!!

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