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The longer I garden, the more I understand

The longer I garden, the more I understand why farmers resort to chemical warfare. I am not saying it is a good thing but I do understand. I would find it deeply satisfying to bomb the vegetable garden to kill all the grasshoppers. There are onions that no longer have any green at all, kohlrabi with just stems sticking up from it, marigold skeletons, potato plant skeletons, etc.

I put down Nolo bait and will be ordering more (the price locally is rather ridiculous, $32 for 1 lb) but I know that it will take time to effect a significant change. Right now the damage is being caused by nymphs, not even full grown hoppers. I am faced with the decision of whether or not it is truly responsible to continue watering some of these plants in my arid state in the hopes they will bounce back or just quit now and hope for a better year next year. Gardening is not for the faint of heart.

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