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new Peace Lilies with tiny flowers low down

10 years ago

Hi all,

Firstly, I will state for the record that I am one of those ilk of gardeners who bear brown thumbs instead of green. As such, I have very limited knowledge of gardening.

I've always had a certain affinity for peace lilies, although I've never grown any before. Today, as luck would have it, went to do grocery shopping and they were there, so I couldn't help myself, I purchased two. I could see issues straight away, but I figured that no matter what, it's something that would be fixable. I know a supermarket isn't the best place to buy plants, but it was either get them now or wait another 5 or 10 years.

Ok... Here's the problem: both plants have very tiny spathe and spadix. These "flowers" are also very low on the plant, with some buds seeming to be at almost ground level. I'm attaching a couple of photos to showcase the issue.

I've tried to google but am not getting explanatory results, so hoping someone here might be able to help me.

I am in Australia, and today is the first day of Autumn. Not sure whether being in Oz means that the peace lily should not have "flowers" at this time of the year and hence were "forced" blooms that might account for their tiny stature, or whether genetically the peace lily in Australia will bloom in Autumn instead of Spring?

Not sure whether the problem may be that the plants are too root bound and could benefit from immediate repotting? (This was the only explanation I could find when googling.) Therein lies another question, if this is, in fact, the problem, should I be repotting now or once all blooms have completed?

Or is it just that because they were grown in a supermarket's nursery they weren't in their optimum conditions?

I've already read up on care such as watering and fertilising, so am confident that I can follow those guidelines, but so far as whether I should try repotting these straight away or whether I should wait, I'm absolutely clueless.

The plants themselves look quite healthy, the only "problem" is those small, low "flowers".

Any assistance and explanations will be welcomed gratefully.


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