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Nakase Brothers mislabled peach tree

12 years ago

01/21/11 I bought a "red baron semi dwarf" peach tree from Lowes. You know the ones in the "eco pot" that are from Pacific Groves but then bought in mass by Nakase Brothers and then re potted into peat pots? Anyways, I planted it and it flowered ONE flower that was a nice small pink color. I got one peach that tasted great. Now that was before I knew anything. I even picked the tree on a coin toss. Now after I eat the peach in the summer of 2011 I look online to get another red baron tree and see they are supposed to have double red blossoms. I search and search and finally I find a tree that looks like mine, same trunk color and flower color. It is a RED HAVEN. Ive been worried this year and in denial. Now this tree still has not flowered and looks nothing like my other red baron that has flowered and fruited already. The buds are now starting to fall off and the ones that do bloom are just leaves.

It got me thinking when I found out Nakase brothers buys bare root and re pots. I think they made a mistake and potted a red haven instead of a red baron and labeled it wrong. The only reason it flowered that first year is because it had been growing at Pacific Groves and had received the required chill hours fot the year.

Im so mad! What can I do? Ive spent a year tenderly loving this tree and when I bought my other "red baron" and planted it next to it the trees look totally different!! Online pictures confirm the red haven with its new red branches and older white/grey trunk and branches. While the red baron is greenish/brown in color.

Should I call Nakase and see if they know this problem exists? This seems a hard allegation to prove but a red haven will never flower around here. The peach was soo good and all year I was dreaming about it but in the back of my mind I was thinking about the difference in flower color and trunk/branch color. Im so mad!!

Could I be mistaken? Can a peach tree take this long to flower? It has a few nice green branches and leaves but no flowers. Only swollen buds and one that opened but looks green inside. Whats the deal?

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