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Waaah! My apricots are all dying!

This has been the best of times, and the worst of times...
For the first time I got 3 peach leaf curl sprays in, and my first ever dormant oil spray. My peaches have had almost NO curl and are doing fantastic, growing like weeds.
HOWEVER, the worst of years for my apricots. Two of my apricots never leafed out due to bacterial canker, and now it looks like several of the trees that did leaf out are dying. WAAAAAAAAAAAH. And the trees I have lost are the rare ones--my Tardirouge, my Autumn Royal,( both of which never leafed out) my grafts of Routier's Peach and Steindorf Blenheim have wilted and now my Moniqui is wilting too.
I don't think there is anything I can do, just wait and watch them die.
Carla in Sac

This post was edited by sautesmom on Tue, Apr 9, 13 at 20:22

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