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Spathe Bog

dellis326 (Danny)
12 years ago

Spathiphyllum have been in several recent posts lately so I thought there may be someone here interested in this.

This is an experiment I've been doing since around spring of 2010. Growing spathiphyllum in a tub of mud.


The growing medium was an approximate mix of 1 part a peaty bagged soil and 1 part shredded bark with a handful each of aquarium carbon, long fiber sphagnum moss and vermiculite. The tub is a cat litter bucket cut in half and melted back together with a soldering gun. The capacity of the container is approximately 8 liters Here's an earlier look at it.



It's growing in full east sun however the window is tinted so I don't really know the quality or true intensity of the light. It also sits on some polystyrene insulation on top of a radiator so there has always been a problem with this planting overheating. The building my space is in is heated on a timer and I have no control over it. During the winter I often had to supply a gallon or more water every couple of days. Once a month I gave it a full strength hydroponic solution.

Anyways, it got really toasted a few days ago so I decided to un-pot it and switch it to semi-hydro. in the process I wanted to get an idea of how the roots have held up. The orange triangle is approximately 7" tall.



the quarter is just to reference size.



Here I've picked away at some of the soil with a pair of tweezers, The roots are much better then I thought they would be.


Freed the first clump.


Here's the whole pile of spathes.


There is no drainage in the tub, since it is only 8 centimeters deep, along with a porous mix, I believe that the soil zone was able to stay aerated enough to minimize rot. Despite the occasional brown leaf edge there was constant growth and new plants developing and during the warm season it flowered often.

Currently they are sitting in a tub of water with a circulating pump. I plan on replanting them in the same tub using hydroton as the medium, I will probably use an airstone to circulate the water.

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