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An embarrassment of riches -- extra lettuce seeds!

14 years ago

I ordered some BtK to have on hand for my late-planted broccoli, and included in the box were four brochures for Johnny's Seeds and each brochure included a pack of Johnny's Encore Lettuce Mix. A total of four! I think someone must have been in a hurry and just threw that many brochures in the box along with the packing slip!

If you'd like one of the packs for a fall lettuce planting, email me and I'll send you one. I sure can't use them all before they lose their viablity.

The varieties listed in the mix:


Red Salad Bowl

Parris Island

Salad Bowl

Dark Lollo Rossa

Deer Tongue

Rouge d'Hiver


I seem to be blessed with seed and plant companies bestowing more in their deliveries than I ordered. This spring I ordered Dixondale Farms' long day onion sampler and received three times as many transplants as I expected! Then there was the extra packet of Buffalo Gourd seeds that arrived, and when I contacted the vendor, they told me to keep them!

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