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Anyone growing Saskatoons?

I just put in an order for the 6 romance bush cherry varieties developed by the University of Saskatchewan, and on impulse (I hope my wife can forgive me)also added to the order Theissen and JB30 saskatoon. Just wondering if anyone can comment as saskatoons seem to be in high demand on the prairie provinces dedicating hundreds of acres for their cultivation.

I have wild "service berries" growing on my property and they are very small pea sized,large seeds,sandy in texture and not very palatable.When I was younger I lived out west for 3 years and heard of this mysterious blueberry-like plant but never had the opportunity to indulge.

I chose the Theissen and JB30 as they are supposed to be the larger varieties having fruit up to 15mm or 5/8 inch.I may add others to my list if someone has experience with some exceptionally tasty varieties.

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