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Wild Weather, counting blessings

Wow, what a way to start off a week!

My hoop buildings are still in one piece (with a few small holes) no one got hurt and I didn't loose everything. I am glad for that.

We had some severe thunderstorms roll through this morning. In a little over 1.5 hours, we had 15-20 minutes of hail(marble to little less than golfball, baseball hail was 4 miles south), and over 5 inches of rain!

My garden is a mess. I had water standing/ running along one side of my garden. One of my hoop buildings had 5 inches of water standing inside of it. The water ran in and was slow to find a way out. The other one was just fine! A few tomato cages were knocked over. I have not completed my support system. Washed out some of the onions. Washed out probably 50-60% of my Sweet Corn. Washed out 1/3 of my canteloupe and watermelon, they were just coming up. Probably a total loss of my seedless watermelons. They were just transplanted 5 days ago. Lost some cucumbers, but it is hard to get a good idea. Some of the outside tomatoes, peppers, beans, potatoes, squash, and eggplant were damaged from the hail. They will pull through.

As my wife said, "What doesn't kill you, will make you stronger". I hope that is true for plants too!

I guess I will be replanting some and look forward to a big crop of potatoes, with all that rain.

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