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mute rooster?

15 years ago

May 2nd I got my girls (14). I had planned on 8, but w/ it not being 100% that I would only get girls, I 'padded' the number. 9/20 I gathered the first egg (soooo proud).....

Here's my dillema, I only wanted hens (girls only club). Please, I don't want the debate over fertilized/not eggs, just my choice I wanted not.....I started watching for developement of roosters after a friend who got hers 2wks before mine anounced that she had 2 that were starting to crow. I suspect 2 of my birds, but, don't KNOW that they are roosters. When I found 'spots' in 3 of the eggs I used last night, I KNOW that I have 1 (at least 1).....

But my birds are acting like they're under deep cover (very 007) no crowing, no visible riding.....(reminds me of a joke my pastor once told, like cats and Christians...You know they do it, you just never see it....)

Here comes the really stupid question, are you ready? How do I figure out which is the rooster(s)? I really enjoy my birds, but don't want roosters in the mix.....any suggestions? Thanks................T

Oh, here's the breakdown of my birds

4 Barred Rocks

4 New Hampshire Reds

4 Black Australorps

2 Araucanas

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