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How can I get chickens to roost where I want them to?

18 years ago

Hi All,

Our coop is 6.5 X 7 and 8  10 in height. There is a shelf about shoulder height that runs the circumference. It is not removable  (I think the shelf caps the cinder block which encompasses the coopÂs lower half, (from there up itÂs plywood sheets with windows). The coop is shared by our 4 Indian Runners and 2 pullets. Our problem is that the pullets have taken to roosting on the shelves at night. No surprise there. IÂve tried to train them otherwise. I dislike the mess they leave there nightly, and, itÂs a pretty long jump for them in the morning. Furthermore, I just donÂt cotton to them being face-high. I finally acquiesced by raising their roost poles to the level of the shelf, but theyÂre not budging. Is there any thing I can put down on the surface (which they donÂt like) that may discourage them? Sand paper for instance or a layer of pebbles or something? I could tack an arc of chicken or weld wire across the shelf, but I am afraid they might get there feet entangled which might end in disaster. Thanks for your input.


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