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WANTED: Ball State University Greenhouse Expansion.

10 years ago

Hello -

I am the assistant of the curator for the greenhouses at Ball State University (home to the largest collection of orchids in a collegiate setting). We are currently expanding into our new greenhouse complex and we are seeking out as many of the following specimens as possible for our interpretive display room. Please let me know if you have any of these specimens or know of anybody who does. We are available for trade and/or payment for these specimens. Thank you!

Ashoka tree Saraca asoca
Bat Flower Tacca integrifolia
Mini fish-tail palm Chamaedorea metallica
Panama Queen Aphelandra sinclairiana
Plantain Musa Plantain Dwarf
Powder Puff Plant Calliandra surinamensis
Rangoon Creeper Vine Quisqualis indica

Staghorn fern Platycerium andinum
Yam vine Dioscorea mexicana
Ylang-Ylang Tree Cananga odorata DWARF
Epiphyllum oxypetalum
Huperzia squarrosa
Lecanopteris mirabilis
Ophioglossum pendulum
Orthophytum gurkenii
Platycerium madagascariensis
Pyrrosia lingua
Pyrrosia longifolia
Pyrrosia nummularifolia
Pyrrosia piloselloides
Tillandsia dyeriana
Lecanopteris celebica
African Gardenia Mitriostigma axillare
Allspice Pimenta dioica
Amaxon lily Eucharis grandiflora
Autograph tree Clusia rosea
Banyon tree Ficus benghalensis
Bat flower Tacca
Malabar Chestnut Pachira aquatica
Cacao Theobroma cacao
Cassava Manioc esculenta
Chalice Vine Solandra longiflora
Chicle M. zapota, M. chicle, M. staminodella, and M. bidentata
Cinnamon Cinnamomum zeylanucym
Clock Vine Thunbergia mysorensis
Copper plant Acalypha wilkesiana
Crinum lily C. asiaticum var. pedunculatum
Ice cream bean tree Inga feuillee
Lucky Money New Guinea Chestnut
Lucky nut Oleander
Orange Jessimine Murraya paniculata
Orchid tree Baumhia
Papaya Papaya Hove variety
Piper vine Piper ornatum
Powder puff tree Calliandra surnimensis
Sago Queen Cycas circinalis
Showy Medinilla Medinilla magnifica
Star Fruit Averrhoa carambola
String of hearts Ceropegia woodii
Stromanthe "tricolor" Stromanthe sanguinea 'Tricolor
Ti plant Cordyline terminalis
Tira Cochliostema
sweet calabash Passiflora maliformis
Rattlesnake Plant Calanthea lancifolia
Zebra plant Calanthea lazzerini
Lignum Vitae, Guaiac Tree Lignum officinale
Mahogony Gualacum sanctum also lgnum vitae
Red Mangrove Rhizphora mangle

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