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Happy and Sad about Market

In addition to running my garden, I am also the Marketing Person at one of my Farmers Market. Also the president of another one.

However, the one I am the Marketing person at is growing and we are getting more customers and vendors every week. I am so happy for that. I have been working my tail off to make it work. However, this also brings on sadness. Sadness because we are having more vendors, more produce and I am afraid that I maybe losing some sales.

I built two high tunnels (as many of you already know) and I had hoped to be one of the only people with early tomatoes. However, one of our new growers also has tunnels. His are 3 times larger than mine and he has much more stuff. He is also willing to take less per pound to move it.

I am so happy to see the growth, but worried what will happen in late July and August when we have tomatoes coming in from outside too. High supply, demand???? price in the tank!

I guess I will have to work harder to maintain customers and build relationships.

Ok, I feel better venting. Thanks!

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