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I have many flowers and veggie seeds to trade

13 years ago

I have cataloged all of my seeds on my trade page and am ready to do some trading. I have lots of heirloom tomato seeds,peppers, lots of annual and some perenial flower seeds, Tons of varieies of squash, and more carrot seed than I could ever plant.

I am interested in any tomatoes and peppers that I don't have, japanese eggplant, jerusalem artichoke, GROUND CHERRY SEEDS, any native american squashes- especially hopi blue, any brussle sprout except Long Island Improved, houseplant starts, onion and potato sets, elephant ears, and PURPLE SNAP BEANS. We are going to try to do a plot in the city garden plot again this year. We have done one in the past, but animals ate EVERYTHING! They ate all of my toms, cukes, beans and sweet potatoes right down to the ground. Then they ate off every ear of corn, and chewed up all but three gourds, birdhouse and ornamental. We did get a handful of beets out of an overly weedy patch that we let go after the disapointment of the other crops. Anything that the animals might leave alone would be great. Thanks everyone!


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