In hopes to avoid a full blown panic attack, I have come here for guidance. Im sure most of the designers here have at least at one time or another encountered a problematic client, like myself. ItÂs not intentional at allÂ.more of a personality disorder I think.
We bought this house three years ago with not a single tree or shrub planted. It sits on half an acre and itÂs long and rectangular. We have a covered porch on the back of the house that is entirely too close to our neighbors. I spent the first two years on the inside of the house, remodeling and redecorating. I planted a few things here and there with no regard to even the most basic design elements. My front flower bed at present serves as a "holding area" for my things that I want to incorporate in my design. In the meantime, I have lurked on this board for three years, absorbing everything I possibly could. I enrolled in several "landscape design" courses online. IÂve bought books and magazines and cut out pictures of what I like.
I have rarely seen a "true to the bone" gardener with a beautifully landscaped yard. I hope I donÂt get flamed for that, but there are many kinds of gardeners. Some just love to collect plants and plant them at random anywhere they have a spot. (guilty as charged) But, the result often looks a bit more shabby than I want. On the other hand a formal landscape makes me a little nervous. I want a cottage garden lookÂ.with a well maintained look, if that makes sense. Some of the cottage gardens IÂve seen have such a "weedy" look to me.
Okay, so IÂve done my "do diligence" to the best of my ability until this summer. Now, I am completely overwhelmed and hope to find help here. If I have only learned one thing from this board or from what IÂve read elsewhere, you must start with a plan before buying anything. However, a demonic spirit or an obsessive/compulsive disorder completely took over my brain this year. I have scoured the clearance racks the past few weeks buying evergreens or other things that I eventually want incorporated. I posted ads on the exchange pages with tremendous responses. The fact isÂÂI have over 100 plants and no idea where to put them. I refuse to just plop them in the ground without any guidance or just let them die because IÂm not ready to plant them. IÂm completely overwhelmed at this moment. Also, I just got some landscaping software that I will install today in hopes that it can help me sort through the monster I have created.
I will be happy to post pictures if anyone is willing to help me get on the right track. I donÂt have a digital camera, but will get my hands on one.
Here are some basic concerns or bullet points to consider:
 Need to create a privacy screen. Our back porch (where I like to sit and read, eat, or just enjoy the outdoors) faces the side of our neighbors home. IÂd like to be able to not see their cute little new dog pen they put up last week. I have several Leyland cypress, emerald green arborvitae and a "little giant" arborvitae. Maybe those could be used for screening, but they seem too big to go in an area that is shallow. (about 60 ft from my porch to the end of my property line. ) I was hoping to sit on the porch and look at a lovely flower bed and not just huge trees.
 Fencing is not in our budget for an area so large. I would like to outline the entire back yard with trees and shrubs to create a living fence. (It would be so nice to feel like I lived in a secluded area with no neighbors
 My husband likes his "lawn" and goes to extreme lengths to maintain his Bermuda (yuck) into a lush green carpet. He does not want to have to cut around a bunch of trees on his tractor (only a riding mower, but I think he thinks heÂs a farmer or something with a crop of Bermuda) Okay, so this is a domestic problem more of a landscape problem. Is there a way to have what we both want? He loves to mowÂ.hates to use the weed wacker around trees and shrubs, but will if I continue to hold his head in a headlock.
 Style  love lots of bold colors (reds, oranges, yellows), casual/cottage style that doesnÂt look "unkept" or "weedy"
I know this post is too lengthy already and only covers a few of the concerns. The bottom line is this; if I post pics of my home and list the plants I already haveÂ.is there anyone that will help me put a plan together? I have been told many times that I have an artistic flareÂI am often asked to help with interior design for others, I love to paintÂbut I just canÂt seem to get my head around this project(s) for anything!! I just donÂt know WHERE to start. Currently, I have what my hubby refers to as a "plant ghetto"ÂÂ.over 100 pots scattered everywhere waiting to be planted. Or would you just suggest I get on Valium? HELP!!
gardengal48 (PNW Z8/9)
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