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THANKS! from Al (tapla)

Hi, Guys! I think they heard you! ;o) You guys DO know you really warmed my heart - don't you? I don't really know how to say this without it seeming like I'm taking something for granted that might not be there, but just in case I saw some friendly affection mixed into your responses to JaG's thread (a special thanks to you, JaG!) that explained where I disappeared to, I wanted you to know that I include many of you among my friends (prolly even more, now!) and I feel the same way. I really enjoy being here with all of you, & feeling like I might have helped some of you squeeze a little extra enjoyment out of your growing experience.

Here's the deal: I'm not sure what I got booted for yet. I hope Tamara will write me and let me know. I'm assuming that it was because I sent JaG a link to a thread I knew he'd enjoy at a competitor's forum site, but he was already a member of that forum site, so I thought nothing of it. It was prolly my fault, but it wasn't like I was soliciting GW members to join another group.

Here .... read my message to Tamera & I think you'll see what happened:

"Hello, Tamara -

Please don't read any irritation into my message - there is none.

2-3 weeks ago (not sure how long exactly) I discovered I was unable to post to the forums. I hadn't had any problems with other posters, so assumed it was either because I posted a link to a picture (picture only, I was sure there was no way to get to a website from the link before posting) of a specific brand of neem oil that has properties superior to most other products; or because I sent a link to a thread at (another forum site) through GW mail. I didn't think the picture was any violation of policy, and I didn't think twice about the link to (the other forum site) because it wasn't posted on the forums, only mailed, and the member I sent it to had already long been a member of (the other site), as have I. In my travels though, I still refer the members of garden-related clubs I speak to, to GW, rather than any other forum site. I really do think it's the best I've found.

I don't doubt that you didn't get a message from me, but I sent roughly the same explanation I just offered you above, three separate times over the 2-3 weeks. One to the Technical Problems address in the drop-down menu, one to the Suggestions/Comments address, and one to the Forum Abuse address. I also asked that someone please explain what I did wrong, so I could avoid doing it again, but I didn't hear anything. I was assuming that the ban might last a month or be permanent.

I'm glad that a few pals banded together (no prodding from me, at all) to call the situation to your attention. Thank you for straightening things out. I hope you can see from this thread

that there really is a fairly friendly bond between me and many of the people at GW I do my best to help. No matter what I did that got my privileges revoked, I want you to know my heart is always in the right place.

Thanks again. Take care."

Al (tapla)

To be fair, Tamara has worked with me in the past & let me off with a lecture when I got into extended disagreements with people for continually posting harmful or unsupportable advice on other GW forums. It seems like when she got your messages, she acted quickly & restored my ability to post, and I let her know I appreciate that.

I think that for me, any issue lies in the fact that I sent 3 messages (I had to borrow my brother's ID to send them because I was booted) and no one responded to any of them. I'd pretty much given up even checking here at GW to see if I'd been allowed to post again. Someone got those messages & just ignored them - or didn't forward them.

If I look at the other side of things, I can see that prolly lots of people get booted for infractions both intentional and unintentional and GW people can't babysit all of us. I really do TRY to do the right thing, but stuff happens.

All I know is that I'd prolly have to consider this my 'home' forum .... and it feels pretty darned good to be back. Thanks, guys!. ... and thanks for all the support I got in my email, too! ;o)


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