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Birdseye aerial pics of farmhouse-driveway and walk(s)

I have posted over the past year about this oldfarmhouse in various forums. It's practically a blank slate as far as anything other than tree plantings are concerned. I'll warrant nothing has been added for 25 years.

I came across a number of aerial photos taken in the 80's and 90's and cropped these later ones to fit. I am trying out one of the online photo hosting sites, so bear with me as I bumble through.

We are at a crossroads as you can see. E-W road runs along the barn and N/S axis by the house. The land across the road is ours, but is mostly wooded except for that little tongue of land near the stream and it floods if the rains are bad enough (really bad).

I want to put in my "working" garden,orchard near the shed and barn. The squared off area around the house from the parking section to the neighbors area to the road, I'd like to make more enclosed with flowering shrubs and pleasure gardens. That area where you see no trees faces NW and we get wicked winds. THere is also a patio between the 2 wings in the rear.

Recommendations about my flowering tree planting along the front curved driveway now that there is a visual? What can I do in between those diverging sidewalks? Windbreak ideas?


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