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Why native plants matter

16 years ago

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I just read a wonderful book about the importance of native plants. I'd always heard things about native plants...but this book really spelled it out. In a nutshell (for those of you that don't know), alien plants (or "ornamentals") are touted for being pest-free, so this is why lots of people buy them. Also because they are "exotic" plants. They are pest-free only because the insects here don't "know" the plants, so they don't use them for food. So gardeners like this. They don't have to worry about bugs, or holes in their plants leaves.

But this all has a residual effect. While we may have "perfect" gardens, there are fewers insects. This means fewer butterflies, and less food for birds. This all has an overall effect.

I don't know about you all, but I've noticed that since my childhood, I see alot less butterflies, ladybugs, caterpillars, etc. I can't even REMEMBER the last time I saw a grasshopper!

So, starting from today, I am only going to have native plants in my yard. Mind you, I am a "small time" gardener. It was only a few years ago that I began to garden in pots, in my urban back yard. Now I am in a different apartment, with a larger yard that has dirt. I am going to re-evaluate everything I have, and supplement them with native plants.

We all need to start taking an active role in bringing LIFE back to our communities. Get rid of those toxic lawns (which apparently is a great breeding ground for the alien japanese beetle) and which requires tons of fertilizer and water to maintain. Lets get rid of "ornamentals", so that we can once again provide food to insects, butterflies and birds!

Yeah!!!!!! :-)

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