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How do we get suppliers to give sufficient information?

14 years ago

Seed packagers, approximate # seeds.

A simple thing to do, put it on the package, but many don't do it. Growers cannot determine germination rates without this information. You can't even know how much of the seeds to buy.

Garden supply packagers re timed-release fertilizers. NPK proportions and approximate months of fertilizer action under optimal conditions. Instead, you get "this fertilizer is intended for tomatoes, potatoes and roses (etc.) and will last for months in your garden." Or other hype. So you dig and chase after what you want to know on the internet (it may not even be available), only to discover that it's intended to last for two months, not the four or nine months you were looking for. Or the NPK may be all wrong for tomatoes and potatoes but fine for other recommended plants.

For instance, the link below shows the NPK ratios but not much more. I'd like to know what the micronutrients are without having to dig for that information. Or how long it might last. (They don't need to be precise, just a ballpark would do.) Why don't they put this information out where consumers can see it before buying it?

Or what about seed-starting supplies? Give me the danged dimensions! Don't tell me I can plant 72 seeds in the tray if you don't tell me its size. How do I know it will fit on my heat mat? Some of us don't know standard sizes of such things, and sometimes we could be wrong anyway if a manufacturer decides to be creative.

I don't buy if I can't find the information I know I'll need. It certainly won't be what I want!

Here is a link that might be useful: Control Release Plant Food 2# 13-13-13

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