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have you ever done this? Container houseplants into ground?

14 years ago

I am experimenting..

I have planted a couple of Jades into my rock garden in garden soil.

I have planted my frangrans olive trees into the garden bed.

I have planted a plumeria into a raised bed in full sun, and a few camellias into a semi shady spot into the mulched area.

Can anyone see any disadvantages, or advantages to this?

So far, it seems like my Jades are thriving in the rock garden in full sun, growing fast and turning bright colors..

I would be curious to see if anyone else puts some of their what would be considered otherwise container plants into the ground for the warmer seasons. Someone told me to give it a shot and watch my plants explode..We will see.:-)

I am tempted to try planting a couple of my smaller citrus trees inground in a great composted area with rich fast draining soil and see what happens to them, once all frost danger is over..Hummmm

Have you done this?

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