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Questions about Zinnia

13 years ago

1) I start my seeds in pots with up to 30 seedlings in a single pot, transplant them in bed at a distance of 6-12" from each other (Dwarf ones on the lesser side), my question is do this technique lowers the percentage of double blooms? I do get many double ones but less then 50%.. is that normal?

(the plants I am referring to are Super Yoga & Magellan)

2) I've grown (in the same fashion as above) Scabious flowered Zinnia bought online from T&M(UK), the percentage of actual scabious flowered ones ware merely 10% of the total, where I went wrong?

3) Is that true that seeds with petal attached (or its part attached) produces double blooms and seeds obtained from the mid of the bloom have a 50-50 chance?

4) How long is the blooming season and how can we increase it? My zinnias planted in spring have an average 5 months period from seed till death, but I have seen zinnia in my area which were blooming before August and are still blooming..

5) I use large amount of composted dairy manure as fertilizer tilled in the bed up to 6", a week before transplanting the seedlings and a light sprinkling of 17-17-17 fertilizer every month. This is more or less the same procedure for all of my annual plants, do I need to do differently for zinnias?

I was lurking here for quiet long but unable to gather courage asking so many questions... I hope they'll be replied & answered..



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