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Weather report says it is sunny here and not raining...LIARS!

"Stick your heads OUTSIDE!", she says, sourly. I will hold out for later. Every year when I want to plant bulbs, I run into this. When I am ready, it's too cold/and or rainy. I hold off for another day, and another, hoping for a warmer day: only to find myself out of time/out of weather, and have to go plant shivering, wearing gloves and a hat and down coat.

I hope this will stop me from buying any more. Last year I bought locally, in phases. Finished one batch, went back for more. I resist ordering online: by the time it comes, I may be out of luck with planting weather.

Though nothing was ever on clearance locally, that I could see: and the choices were more limited that I remembered. I wonder if the stores are carrying fewer interesting varieties? Has anyone else noticed?

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