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Gritty Mix Bark Search

Hi All,

I went out searching for bark yesterday and didn't think I would have any trouble at all, seems like I've seen bark all over the place. Well it turns out there is bark everywhere, just not what I'm looking for. This is what I did find, and I thought I would post the results just in case anyone else came across this brand.

A 1 cubic foot bag of E.B. Stones orchid bark (fine/100% fir) for $6.50, I sifted it all out and here's what I got.

/Users/dhubel/Desktop/Al's Gritty Mix/barksizes01.JPG

I used what I had at the moment which is a small round bonsai sifter, so the sizes will be a little off because i'm sure the sifter is in mm or something, but it's close. Upper left corner is what was sifted out with the 1/4 screen, I could have actually sifted out more of the smaller particles but I was already tired of sifting and I had just started. Upper right is what was sifted out with the 3/8 screen. Bottom right is what was sifted out with the 1/8 screen. Then there was dust. There was 6 cups of the dust, 9 cups of the 1/8 sifted, and the upper two were equal parts of the remainder 1 cu ft bag.

Any thoughts on which sizes you would use for the Gritty Mix? Large for the outside containers? Upper right for the inside plants? Mix the two on the right together? Mix all three and throw out the dust?

My head hurts, more coffee!


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