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Impatiens - drooping just a day after repotting

10 years ago


I'm very very VERY new to gardening. I have a shady backyard and decided to buy impatiens this year for it. I bought a large hanging pot and since it had three stems growing from it, decided to divide it into three and plant one stem into each of three planters. This involved breaking some of the roots since they were all clustered together.

I put rocks in the bottom of each pot (which had drainage holes drilled in) and filled around the plant with potting soil and gave each a good watering. This all happened on Sunday.

The next day (yesterday, Monday) I noticed the plants were drooping. By the end of the evening, they looked really bad. See here: and here:

They're even worse on day three -- today.

It was a bit chilly yesterday evening. The soil is still moist. It's been humid, though.

I'm wondering if these guys are just suffering from transplant shock? Maybe it was a bad idea for me to break up the plant into three and repot?

Any advice on how I can save these -- or just advice in general for the future if these guys are goners -- would be much appreciated!

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