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Cyphostemma juttae, and Fockea edulis... container growing

Recently purchased these two plants, and would like specific cultural recommendations for growing in containers. Most sites only vaguely suggest cultural requirements, and as far as I can tell, I could grow these two plants like a common "Jade-plant" (Crassula). There's got to be more to growing these specialized plants.

I need:

Light requirements in winter....full-sun, temps. full-dormancy/quiescent period, soil mixes, fertilizer regimen, etc. General culture for container growing

Also, should the caudex of the Fockea be fully buried, in a deep pot, in order for it to grow to maximum size? The caudex on these Fockea plants are supposed to be shaded, and the vines can be grown in full sun, so I figured that I'd bury the caudex in a deep pot, using a quick-draining, gritty, soiless mix, and fertilizing with "Foliage-Pro 9-6-3"

The Cypho. will be potted in the same quick-draining mix and be grown on my back deck, under the full, broiling, summer sun, then onto a sunny, south-facing window for the winter months, Temps. will always be in the mid 60s in the cooler months.

Am I far off the cultural mark? Please give me your growing suggestions. I'd like to keep these plants alive. They cost big bucks and I'd hate to kill them! :)



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