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Cyphostemma juttae...Flagging Leaves...

My specimen Cyphostemma juttae have been potted in a quick-draining mix and are now growing out on my back deck with a southern exposure. The plants get full sun from mid-AM to late PM. Each of the two plants has grown a beautiful rack of thick, rubbery leaves.

I've noticed within the last 2-3 days, in the extreme heat, the leaves start to flag, but perk back up if I water the medium. I have to water at least twice a day to prevent flagging. When the weather was a little cooler I noticed no flagging leaves. The temps. have soared to the high 90s for the last 2-3 days.

The caudex on both plant remains plum and very hard, and I see/feel no evidence of any shriveling. It just seems that the plants get too dry in high heat, and the leaves droop.

Is this normal? Aren't these desert plants that evolved to be stressed by high heat? Can the growing medium be getting to hot, and could that cause the leaves to droop? Like I mentioned, after watering the plants with cool water, the leaves perk right back up within an hour.

Is the high heat and full sun stressing these plants? My Boojum has now sprouted new leaves, and the Adenia glauca has put out some very long vines...all these plants are growing in the same area and under the same conditions. So why the problems with the Cyphos?

I am wondering if the Cyphos need more frequent watering?

Any help with my problems would be appreciated.


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