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single variegated hippeastrum seedling

18 years ago

In the past year I have repeatedly published the valuable advice to perform sowing of hippeastrums on the highest scale one can afford.

On a production bench of 3 m2 I can sow out a maximum of 3000 seeds in 12 boxes of 50 cm x 18 cm.

Thus I could always easily follow my recommendation and have sown all seeds derived from all my exotic crossbredings, among them 120 seeds of

H.aulicum v.robustum x H."Giraffe"

click on the th_images

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The sense of mass sowing is to explore the degree of uniformity and the relevant differences in shape and growing characteristics and... to discover some accidental specialities - I like to say ornamental anomalities, with a higher detection probability.

I have now made a simple but f_cking good observation of a particular kind of variegation.

The white ligament is developed on the leaves of one side only (I considered even that just nobody will believe me)-

and it has nothing to do with a discoloration which is restricted on the midrib of those "affected" leaves of the respective one line.

This latter has successively come to light in the younger leaves, as the ligament tends to broaden, to slip towards the left half area of the leaf surface and tend to split, too (three thin green streaks can meanwhile be seen embedded in this broader ligament)

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This developmental dynamics are so exciting, and my anticipation is fortified because I must wait for every 2nd next leaf to determine what kind of progress *g* the variegation has undergone.


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