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sushipup2 likes a comment on a discussion: Nespresso machine?
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Sushi, that would be a nice way to wake up in the morning.

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sushipup2 likes a comment on a discussion: Crazy local real estate market
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Kentrock Kentrock

The Toronto real estate scene is on a whole other level of insanity! I thought I had seen it all, but then this one came along and blew my mind.

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sushipup2 likes a comment on a discussion: Closet is turning my clothes yellow!
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Sohid Lambert

I had a similar issue with my favorite white shirt, and it drove me nuts! What worked for me was switching to breathable cotton garment bags. I even added a sachet of baking soda inside each bag to absorb any excess moisture and odors. Since making the switch, I haven't had any more staining issues.

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Sohid Lambert

It's significant that commissions may become more negotiable, potentially impacting how homes are bought and sold. More flexibility in commission structures could benefit buyers and sellers by potentially lowering costs, although it might lead to changes in how agents operate.

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1965, Beatles and Rolling Stones and Bob Dylan. This was in Memphis, and Booker T and the MGs played our senior prom.

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morz8 - Washington Coast

I'm old, and there were so many. Pink Floyd, Iron Butterfly, Rolling Stones, Beatles, Aretha, Stevie Wonder, Jefferson Airplane, Van....we were small town kids addicted to music. A typical small birthday gift in my group was a gift certificate for one record at our music store. So long ago, and so much fun. A little later I became a huge Journey fan, loved Steve Perry's voice. I will still listen to his music even now and he retired decades ago - too young.

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Bestyears, when I met DH we were both living in the dorms, and on my first visit to his room he played and sang Nights in White Satin to me on his guitar. :)

Here's another question for those of you regarding popular songs your kids listened to. Did you like them? I lucked out because I wasn't following popular music when they were in jr high and high school until we went shopping and DS1 bought a Guns N' Roses cd, and DS2 bought Metallica.

I'll never forget those years listening to both cds at the same time while each were in their room. Guns N' Roses was one of the best. I'm happy they both had good music back then.

November Rain with Slash's solo, especially while on the beach after the funeral convinced me he is the best guitarist ever.

Very short.

sushipup2 commented on a discussion: landlords - where do you do on-line credit checking?
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Passive Investor

I use AAOA. Seems a lot has changed since goodtimepete reviewed them 13 years ago.

i joined as a Pro Member last year and received a free tenant screening report and state specific forms. Their staff actually answers the phone !!! and they were super helpful answering all my questions.

I’ve attended a couple of webinars which i found helpful too, one was a little salesy but it was put on by and about 1031 exhanges so it was expected they wanted me to hire them.

i would recommend AAOA based on my experiences.

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Following "Passive Investor"

sushipup2 commented on a discussion: End of chapter, parents house is sold.
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Cheers to you, Ded! Lots of work, I know, but what a great outcome! Congratulations!

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Congratulations on making it through to the finish line, Ded! It’s a beautiful home and property, so not surprising it sold so quickly to a family with growing children. Glad it all went smoothly for you. From what friends have told me, those estate clean-out and sale people can be wonderful and helpful.

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I love the house, but I, too, was surprised to see the style. I had envisioned a large two story Colonial. Isn't it funny how we come up with these pictures in our mind?

You must feel like a weight has been lifted to be finished with all the work of sorting and decision making when clearing out and selling your family home. Glad it all went so well and you feel good about the family who are going to be the new owners. Hopefully they will love it as much as your family did.

sushipup2 likes a comment on a discussion: Has anyone read the Thursday Murder Club books?
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Okay sushipup2 - based upon your comment that “it’s a fun read“ + Funkyart’s 5 star rating for the most recent book in the series, I just ordered a copy. Thought about ordering all of them - as this first one in the series has the lowest rating on Goodreads - but decided to wait.

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sushipup2 commented on a discussion: Pet nail trimmers, cut or grind?
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Does the groomer use a grinder? I would not run out and buy a grinder, they're not cheap, but cheaper than a few payments to the groomer. I used both when I had a lot of dogs.

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fyi, it isn't the grinder itself that gets hot, it's the attachment you use. the typical sandpaper "bits" will get very hot because there is no air circulation. the diamagroove that i linked is made such that there is air that circulates around the bit to keep it cool. i can grind one nail at a time before moving on to the next one. i use it once a week on my dogs.

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arkansas girl

I've been using the Dremel on my dog's nails for 11 years and have never felt any heat on the nail at all. She is a large dog and has some very hardy nails that take a bit of time to cut them down. I use the sanding belts.

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sushipup2 likes a comment on a discussion: Does anyone know why Subway doesn't put mayo on the bread?
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Sauces, mayonnaise, mustard,

( always go's the bread ) don't ruin sandwich

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sushipup2 started a discussion: 5/1 Survivor and Amazing Race
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AR....That's NOT fair. The camera crew fell behind, so THEY were penalized....WTH I'm not only surprised....but...that's a rule?

Survivor: Well....another blindside! But...I liked it. A strong competitor.

We've never eaten @ Applebees, but....I worked with a woman who ordered take out from them. She loved it!

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I never knew that losing your camera crew was penalizing either. In fact, I never gave the camera crew much thought until last night. Now it makes sense that each team would have their personal crew. ha

It happened at the round-about. Angie and Danny took a left turn at the last minute while the crew took a right. Apparently it's not a matter of them just following a team, the directions are shared the entire time?

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sushipup2 likes a comment on a discussion: Leaving something for house buyers?
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My son and I spent yesterday doing lots of last minute clearing out. I brought the final bag of trash to my house to put out on my trash day. We made a trip to the dump with a few things.

My son even went so far as to give the kitchen floor a last cleaning. We ended up leaving a couple things behind including a card table that wouldnt fit in the car and some throw pillows that were on the sofa we agreed to leave for them.

As he was leaving, my son spotted some junk that had been left on top of some pipes near the ceiling in the basement. Oops. I guess the cleanout company missed that. I dont think it will be a burden to them since they will most likely have a dumpster on site for their planned renovations.

I left a folder with a welcome note, a list of maintenance people, some ( hopefully) helpful info, a piece of mail addressed to them and the manual for the fridge. Also a slew of keys that had accumulated over the years!

So strange to think of someone else in that house, not us. Glad that it will have new life breathed into it after so many years of my mother’s decline and death. Settlement is happening as I write this!


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sushipup2 started a discussion: Gallbladder surgery - need help with diet
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In the process of having a scan for what turned out to be a pinched nerve I found out I have gallstones. This post has been helpful in learning that my fear of chronic diarrhea after gallbladder removal hasn't been an issue. Thanks sushipup2 for this post and hope your surgery goes smoothly.

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In regard to weight loss and gallbladder issues per Johns Hopkins: " As the body metabolizes fat during rapid weight loss, it causes the liver to secrete extra cholesterol into bile, which can cause gallstones."

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sushipup2 commented on a discussion: Buyer wants personal items
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I have this issue too. It really makes me mad. We have spent a ton in upgrades alone and have warranty so the home is in good condition and now they want our personal things too. What is wrong with people. If I knew they wanted $6K in personal items I would have priced it higher.

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Just say no. That's the easy way to deal with them.

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sushipup2 likes a comment on a discussion: Death with dignity wisdom
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I understand terminal illness is frightening but suicide is not the answer. My grandpa lived three happy and healthy years after they said he would only live a few weeks. Then he died peacefully in his sleep. Although she has made her choice hopefully she’ll reconsider as well as any one else considering suicide.

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sushipup2 commented on a discussion: Emails and More Emails
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GMail is great at filtering out spam, and you can always mark them as spam, too. If you're not using a good email program, it's a sign that you need to change.

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"On my PC, I delete several ads each day and most are from companies I've done business with."

You can unsubscribe and they'll stop sending them. No need to be deleting constantly. There should be an unsubscribe button somewhere near the bottom of the email.

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yourresidentdj i got those for a while but gary died 16 years ago so i haven't had any for quite some time.

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Don't discount the value of a good realtor's knowledge of the local market and ability to price a property properly. Even if you don't hire an agent, ask 3 agents for free market analyses.

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If you have a buyer all you need is a real estate attorney - much less expensive than a realtor and more competent that many of them.

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sushipup2 likes a comment on a discussion: House buyers LOVE this
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That wallpaper was one of the last things i thought anyone would like. Its just so funny to see things through other people’s eyes.

Sushi, yes yes! It won't be long before we can do lunch. Looking forward to it.

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