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Moonglow Magnolia - can you help to identify these spots?

Hi everyone - I recently ordered a 4ft tall "Moonglow" magnolia virginiana tree from a nursery. It was delivered within 24 hours via van without any box or packaging, so the wear and stress on the plant seemed minimal. It looked green and vigorous when it arrived, but on closer inspection today I noticed some black spots on maybe seven or eight leaves, along with some small holes here and there that looked as though something had been eating the leaves. The afflicted leaves appear green otherwise, though a little droopier and slightly more yellow than the other unaffected leaves.

I went over the plant and didn't find any visible pests or fungus, but I was wondering if anyone could advise me as to what caused these issues, and how I should address it? At minimum should I prune these leaves?

For reference, I live in zone 7b. My garden is a rooftop deck with mixed sun/shade from planters, fences and other trees, and there is partial wind shelter (with minimal wind in this area regardless).

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