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How are the community colleges in your area?

24 days ago
last modified: 24 days ago

In my state, they don't seem to be very good. But I'm not sure exactly what goals and missions they work toward for students.

Many do have important vocational programs - training and education in building trades, for becoming paraprofessionals in professional areas (medical and dental assistants, paralegals), other two year programs for study in areas such as fire and police public services.

I'd always thought that another important service was to provide entry funnels for students desiring college study but with inadequate preparation out of high school. Such kids can use community colleges to raise their skills and knowledge in whatever academic fields interest them and prepare for transfer after two years to 4 year institutions. Also, as an adjunct, for students from lower socio-economic circumstances, community colleges offer inexpensive (and in some places, free) ways to complete the first two years of study toward bachelor's degrees.

Also, there's some effort to provide classes of interest in the adult education area, for people interested in various topics but without matriculation or career directed intentions

I was shocked to learn recently that transfer rates to four-year colleges are less than 20% overall in my state and for some community college, that number is in single digits.

What the heck are they doing? Do the public funds spent for community college systems provide value for money or is it wasted to a greater extent than people realize? What can or should be done?

If young people who attend community colleges don't ultimately transfer to 4 year colleges and don't complete the mostly 2 year vocational training programs that are offered, what's next for them in their lives? Are these the young 20-somethings and also older adults so often encountered working in restaurants or in retail with jobs paying at or near the minimum wage?

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