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"Tender" salvias....planning for next season

This thread has been very informative but I thought I would start a new thread, with a different title.

Over the past couple of seasons I have been bitten by the salvia bug (tender salvias). I love these plants, in large part because we love seeing humming birds in the garden.

This year I planted Bodacious Rhythm and Blues (in a pot) and Bodacious Humming Bird Falls (in a pot). (R&B was good but I am still mulling over how to use HBF next year...if at all). In the ground I have Amistad. It hasnt done as well as it might have and I attribute it to the less than optimal sun conditions. (But in any event it is too large for me.)

Next season I hope to plant "Black and Bloom" after reading good reviews in that thread shown above...thanks for those reports.

But tell me about your good experiences with a red flowered salvia.

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