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Tall, early bloomer to pair with late blooming datura

I have a section of my garden where I plant a Moonflower and a Devil's Trump near one another, like so:

That pic is last year. This year I'm reversing it, with the Moonflower in the front and the taller Devil's Trumpet in the back.

You also see an elephant ear to the rear left, and canna lilies to the rear right. Farther to the right, off camera, is a roseum elegans rhododendron. In front of them, also off camera, are irises, black eyed susans, crocosmia, and a birdbath that I use as a planter.

These plants are quite large, the Moonflower can easily get to be 6' wide! They're self-seeding annuals, they start to come up in May, and they bloom late July through September. This means that I have a pretty large section of garden that's mostly empty through Spring and early Summer!

You can kind of see that I have Purple Heart setcreasea underneath the Devil's Trumpet, which does help to fill in but it' not ideal. Since this is farther back in the garden you don't really see the short setcreasea unless you walk back there.

Any other suggestions for something that I could plant in this same area that would look good while waiting on the datura to bloom? It would need to be around 3-4' tall, go away (or mostly go away) by late July, and be sparse enough that the datura seeds could grow up through it and around it.
