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Livid/Covid Round 2. Here we go again.

last year

Yes, one week of classes with unmasked students and what do I get? A faint positive line this morning.

Ugh, ugh, ugh. My sister was here for the long weekend. We went to Rod Stewart/Cheap Trick on Friday. Outdoors and I mask in the rest rooms. We went to the garden center Friday afternoon and planted.

Saturday at a casino but we both were masked. Saturday night dinner with sister, DH, and MIL. Sister is 69 and MIL is 74. Neither have had their second booster. They were waiting for the omicron booster that's coming in a couple of weeks.

So, now we wait. No one else feels sick so far.

I did get another prescription for Paxlovid, so hopefully I can start that in the morning. I get to do Zoom classes if I am feeling OK or else asynchronous.

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