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Extra Reading Time in the Northern Hemisphere

last year

For those of us North of the Equator the longest day is with us.

Here in my corner of rural Gloucestershire the sun will rise at approx 4.50am and set at 9.35pm and as I write at 10.10pm is it just possible to read outside and will never quite get really dark all night.

Of course it is a clear night. We had a so-called heat-wave on Thursday and Friday with temps in the high 80'sF. By Saturday morning the thermometer was showing 59F; quite a drop followed by wind and rain.

No wonder the weather is the main topic of casual conversation over here.

What time does the sun rise and set where you live and how hot and cold is it?

Annpan, it seems rather chilly in your neck of the woods so hope you are tucked up with a mug of cocoa or maybe something stronger to keep the cold out.

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