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Clematis Armandii not branching

Cait CK
last year

We planted 6 of these along a hogwire fence at the end of March (northern WA state, zone 8a).

For the most part, they've taken off and each have grown over 2ft. However, I'm wondering about 2 of them.
Plant 1 (pics 1 & 2) has had decent growth on 2 of the three stems. Unfortunately, the middle one cracked (my fault 🤦‍♀️) and had to be cut last weekend. The left stem has never done much of anything. My question, should I pinch the short left stem back in hopes of creating new growth since none of the branches off it are doing anything?
Plant 2 (pics 3 & 4) has gone crazy off it's one stem! Over 3ft of growth 😳 However, it's doing diddly squat as far as any other stems lol. Should I pinch down by the axil buds on those stems that looked to have already been pinched by the nursery?
I've searched high and low on the internet and gotten mixed advice on pinching since this is a group 1 clematis. Some say snip it, others say leave it be while it establishes roots.
Hit me with your knowledge 😍

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