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Full sun alternative to hostas

I have a garden that was part shade, but I've cut back a lot of trees (that were leaning towards the house) and now it's full sun :-O

Most of the plants here are OK with direct sun, but not the hostas :-(

Can you suggest a replacement for them? My goals are:

1. Maybe 2' wide, 1' tall. I want to flank the walkway, but not hide the flowers behind them.

2. Colorful leaves rather than flowers, so that they emphasize the flowers instead of take focus away from them.

3. Evergreen would be great!

4. I'm constantly at war with voles, so it'd be great if it wasn't a bulb plant like the hostas are.

I have patches of Mondo grass along the walkways throughout my property, but I'd love to do something different here!

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