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More garden flowers while waiting for daylilies

We are beginning to see scapes but we are still a couple of weeks away from seeing many flowers. Here are some other garden flowers to while away the time.

We don't grow many roses anymore, but we had such success with growing one in a pot last summer Bob got a couple more. This is an old hybrid tea called Caribia. The flower does not last long.

This is the old garden rose Rose de Rescht. It has a wonderful scent, but the bush is very prone to mildew.

I like dahlias. Here is one of my favorites.

Here are some dianthus. I lost all of the dianthus out of the mini bed and need to replant them. These are in a different bed. I really enjoy seeing these every year.

I don't have names for most of these iris. We bought these from a guy calling himself the 'Iris King' at the local herb fair. I am sure he knew the names, but he sold a single blooming iris (no names) out of a bucket of water. He was quite a hit at the fair, but hasn't been there the last couple of years. We heard he found out he had to have a nursery license and he didn't want to go to the trouble to get one.

This one is darker than the picture shows. It is huge on tall strong stems. Several of ours tend to fall over, but this one went through a horrid storm this morning and is standing tall

This one is much smaller than the previous one.

This one is called 'Dolce' and it is a dwarf iris.

That's all for me.


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