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More fun with "Name That Plant!"

I hope you all kinda enjoy the challenge of seeing a random plant and trying to figure out what it is. I've always had fun doing that with that with my dad, anyway. His dad (my grandpa) was sort of an apothecarist; he lived on a mountain and would find random herbs that he then sold to a pharmacy to turn in to medicine! So my dad grew up learning all about a million random plants, making it fun to challenge him on weird ones :-)

I have this random plant coming up in 2 locations:

One location is dead-centered in a large pot, as if it's intentionally planted there. Last year that pot had a Moonflower, which did drop seeds and I had several come up! But this isn't that.

The other location is in a garden area, also near where a Moonflower dropped seeds. But again, definitely not a Moonflower! This is a Moonflower:

PlantNet and Google both think it's either tobacco, cauliflower, eggplant, or cabbage, none of which could be possible since I've never grown anything like that.

Any guesses?

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