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Northern NJ 6b, deer-resistant landscaping for front of house (pics)

2 years ago
last modified: 2 years ago

Hi all. We ripped out all the overgrown foundation plantings in front of our house last year and just finished re-siding / windows / roof so need to get new plants in front now. I'm not good at this, and left to my own devices would probably have a row of boxwoods, not knowing what else to do.

About the location: northern NJ foothills, zone 6b, rocky/gravelly clay soil. High water table and poor drainage here. Huge deer population that eats just about everything. The house faces due West, and though this pic makes it look like it gets decent sun, that's only because the row of massive oak trees lining the street in front do not yet have leaves. In reality, we probably get a half a day of mostly dappled sunlight.

The beds along the street (and the side, and the back, and....) all need work too, but figured I'd focus this post on foundation plantings in front.

Thank in advance for any ideas!

(Shutters and front porch rail still to be added)

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